1.4 Ice Cubes and Aliens

Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time Roderick kept gassing the OR team and getting frozen, and the three oldest became children. Alright, since I’ve already gotten most of Gen 1 written up (and I’ve finished playing Gen 2 already), I’ve decided to do a post a day until Gen 1 is done.

Gollum: “TOY!”
Irina: “Now you just sit there while I throw stuff at you.”
Oxley: “I’m trying to sleep here!!”

Oxley: “Dad! Pops froze again!”
Hadeon: “Good for him!”
Oxley: “…”

Really, you’re wearing that?? In the snow???

I’m pretty sure Corvina has maxed athletic at this point, and is now focusing on logic.

Look at these kids behaving and doing their homework.
Irina: “If we don’t do our homework, we don’t get cookies at school tomorrow.”
AH, so you’re being bribed… That explains a lot I guess.

Irina: “If someone’s having fun without me, I’ll kick their ass!!!”

Roderick: “THE BEES RAN AWAY!!!”
Hadeon: “NOT MY BEES!!!”

Roderick: “And you! If I catch you interfering with my experiments again, you’ll become one of them!! Well? Don’t just sit there, say something!!”
That’s a chess table.
Roderick: “So? It knows what it did!!”

Oxley: “Wait… 2×3 isn’t 5???”
I think you’re getting addition and multiplication confused.
Oxley: “They aren’t the same thing???”

Roderick: “And then they lobotomized half the group to see how they behaved compared to the unlobotomized half.”
Eva: “Wow, I can’t wait to perform lobotomies of my own!”

Roderick: “And if you bug me for a story again you’re going to find out exactly what a lobotomy feels like.”

Corvina: “And what is this little shit doing in MY bed?! As if having the freak nap in it wasn’t enough!”

Corvina: “If I have to sleep in here again, I’ll tear that little craps fingers off one by one.”

Oxley: “Is a good nights sleep really too much to ask for????”
Gollum: “I’m hungry though.”
Oxley: “Do I look like I’m capable of operating a blender???”

In the midst of his midlife crisis, Hadeon decided he wanted some facial hair.
Hadeon: “It was pre-ordained by the bees!”

Irina: “What is that on your face?”
Hadeon: “I call him Sherman!”
Sarah: “What has my life become?”

Irina: “This game would be so much more fun if I actually got to throw the pieces at my opponent.”

In other new, I’m fairly sure Sarah’s face is broken. She does not seem to be capable of any other facial expression.
Sarah: “It was one of Roderick’s experiments. He froze my face this way.” *sobs*

Roderick: “How am I supposed to shower in acid if you won’t leave the room?”
Irina: “Go ahead, burn your face off. I’m sure it would improve your looks greatly.”

Sarah: “Oh dear. I’m really going to get it this time.”

Roderick: “How dare you look at me with those dead eyes?!”

Roderick: “I created you, and thus can destroy you just as easily.”

Corvina: “And if you try one of those made-up moves you like to pull, I’ll shove the king so far up your ass that you can taste his crown.”

Um, what? There is a perfect rectangle around Roderick’s sleeping bag.

And here we go again. This idiot is going to freeze to death if he’s not careful.

Sarah: “You’re not going to turn me blue are you?”
Roderick: “What a refreshing morning!”

Ina: “I make mess!”
Oxley: “How much longer do I have to deal with this?”

Hadeon: “This cake has sinister intentions… I can feel it.”
Roderick: “I’ll eat it for you if you want.”
Hadeon: “No. I must end it myself.”

Seriously? Why do people keep walking through their yard?? It’s not a sidewalk!!”

Eva: “It’s a shame I’m not an only child. I still might become one though, if that NOISY BRAT doesn’t SHUT UP!!”

Sarah: “The longer I stay out here, the longer it is before I must be subjected to one of Roderick’s experiments again.”

Yes! It is official, no more toddlers!

Gollum is now a Snob.

Ina adds Insane to her traits.

While Sauron, along with a severe case of the bimple pox, is now also Insane… It’s a shame he’s apart of the EVIL side of the family

That’s not your bed!
Sauron: “I’m not going to contaminate my bed with Pop’s stank.”

Eva: “Yes, soon all of this will be mine! I am destined to marry into greatness!!”
Ina: “Excuse you! I am already great!!”

Really? Usually I have to actually try to get my sims abducted, but apparently they have an odd obsession with this family. I’m just glad no one is pregnant yet.

Sarah: “I decided to reward myself for all the terrible things I’ve been through.”

Out of all the food in the fridge (Okay, it’s mostly cake, but there’s lots of it) Gollum choses to eat brains???

Irina: “Oh great, what is that loser wearing now? And where’s my breakfast!? I told you I wanted french toast!!”
Sarah: “How am I supposed to make that?”
Irina: “Figure it out!!! What else do we keep you around for?”
Sarah: “Harassment apparently.”

Hadeon: “Burn in the fires of Mars!!”
Lady: “I hate this town.”

Lady: “Where did all these bees come from???”
It seems Hadeon is still regularly terrorizing the villagers.

Gollum: “Faster my fierce steed! We must prove our glorious mettle!!”

Hadeon: “Ah, fresh blood.”
Diana: “I have a bad feeling about this idiot.”
Lady: “Aren’t you just the prettiest bird?”

Lady: “MY FINGER!!! I’m bleeding you little turd!!!”

Hadeon: “Suffering makes the world go round!”
Lady: “Can’t I catch a break?”

Lady: “Braaaaaains.”
Hadeon: “Now her troubles are all gone.”

Guy: “Braaains.”
Lady: “I have a feeling I should get out of here.”

Eva: “What do you mean they don’t sell CD’s filled with the sounds of torture?! That would be the perfect soundtrack for our wedding!”
Sauron: “Marriage is torture.”

Oxley: “I’m going to build a maze for the worms I found in the backyard!”
The ground is frozen, where did you find worms?
Oxley: *shrug* “They were in the garbage.”
Maggots… Those are maggots.

Gollum: “Faster!” *tips so far back he bangs head on window*

Zombie: “Hurgh.”
Sauron: “Don’t worry mister zombie, you can always eat Sarah! She doesn’t seem to do anything around here.”

Um, why don’t you go home Roderick?
Roderick: “This bench is my new home.”
Anything to avoid child care as usual. You do realize that they aren’t toddlers anymore?

Roderick: “You! I will not stand for any imposters here!!!”

Roderick: “Time to celebrate my success!”
Just don’t freeze to death on me.

Gollum: “Hm, maybe I should actually go to sleep? But another ride sound perfect too…”

Irina: “Maybe if I close my eyes long enough I’ll actually get some sleep.”
Try laying down in a bed. That might help.

Ginny: “There were no beds in the graveyard.”

And Roderick is back to sleeping in the snow. Hopefully I don’t have to send someone to defrost him again.

Sarah: “My bladder just hasn’t been the same since Roderick’s last experiment. How embarrassing!”
And there goes 5 points

Sauron: “I don’t recall ordering any ectoplasm.”
Eva: “Damn, I was hoping it was you, cause it certainly wasn’t me.”

And that’s all for now folks, see you next time!

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