Tag: Sauron

  • 3.5 So Much Crying

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time there were birthdays, a lot of babies born (so many babies), Gollum and Eva died, and I seriously regretted letting these guys have so many kids. Grace is the only one still pregnant and this will be the FINAL BABY of this generation, cause I’m neutering these…

  • 3.4 I Have Made A Mistake

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time basically everyone was pregnant, 3 boys were born, Silas, Beckett, and Goldmember, and Denethor, Cipher, and Grace are currently pregnant. We start off with a rare event, Gollum actually being nice to a child?Gollum: “I’ve decided to give this Grandpa thing a shot… I don’t like it.”That’s…

  • 3.3 Boys, Boys, Boys

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time Cipher embarked on her lifeguard journey, both spouses moved in (Carmelo refused to get married), Precious died, and Denethor got knocked up with the first of Gen 4! Denethor has apparently decided that the bathroom floor was the perfect place to cast the conversion ritual. Cipher: “You’re…

  • 3.2 Experiences in Lifeguarding

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time Cipher went to prom with a date and was kind of horrible to her, there were birthdays, including Cipher’s whose cake caught fire, and Cipher went and became nemesis with her prom date. Now that the heirs are both young adults, here are their trait cards! Cipher…

  • 3.1 Cipher’s Mixed Messages

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time there were birthdays, the pets kept getting fleas and giving them to people, and Denethor dove into his acrobat career while he waits for his future spouse to age up. Since the Evil side of the family is the winner for Gen 2, I had to put…

  • 3.0 Fleas and Acrobatics

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time Eva completed her lifetime wish, the family went on a couple of outings, everyone made their dislike for Cipher pretty clear, there were birthdays, and Denethor and Cipher were announced as the Gen 3 heirs! Now that Denethor is a YA, Gollum is released into free will.…

  • 2.13 No One Likes Cipher

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time the family adopted a cat, The Great Eye, Cipher became a teen and started protesting over-fishing via throwing dead fish around. This is also the last post of Generation 2! It’s a snow day, so I decided that it was time for a family outing. I even…

  • 2.12 Fish Guts

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time Precious became an elder, Gollum adopted a second dog called The One Ring, Joker got better from the plague and became a teenager, and Sauron through a costume party. We start off with me once again having to replace the fridges cause the damn things keep breaking…

  • 2.11 The One Ring

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time Saruman became a teen, prom happened, and Joker is still stuck in quarantine. Cruella: “Does no one clean up around here?” Cruella: “Do I have to do everything myself?! Maybe Cipher as a point about minions.” Sauron: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE AT SCHOOL!!!!”Cruella:…

  • 2.9 The Plague Returns… Again

    Welcome back to the Lecter ISBI! Last time Joker was cured from the plague, Saruman was almost kidnapped by a creeper, and Gollum started the zombie apocalypse in the middle of Sauron’s pool party. In the morning Gollum is back to raising the dead.Gollum: “No bathing suits this time, how disappointing.” Gollum: “Soon I’ll have…

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